The Long Goodbye
It’s called the long goodbye, and I can see it is for some,
For those on the outside, seeing what’s to come
But for me it’s not that long at all,
Even at 90 years of age
When I look back on my memories,
They are all still in my brain
It’s not that I’ve forgotten,
It’s not like I don’t know
There is a part of me inside
that knows but now I just can’t show
My life may appear to be over,
But in a way, it’s just begun
I move on to another phase,
Out there, in the great beyond
I still see you when you visit,
And I still miss you when you’re gone
I just can’t unscramble
The words that go along
With my thoughts of all that happens,
Though my memories, still clear,
I cannot make the words
Make sense to your ears
I often sit in silence
And think back on my life
I think of all the things
I’ve seen and done
You watch me sit there, quiet
But in my mind it’s not so quiet,
I just can’t say the things right.
My life may appear to be over,
But in a way, it’s just begun
I move on to another phase,
Out there, in the great beyond
Life is just so fleeting,
90 years seems like a week
As you think I slip back in time
I’m seeing memories I still keep
You think my mind has given up
And I understand how it looks
But I see the world differently now
Like photos in a book
In this book, I see your faces,
Each and every one of you
And on those pages filled with you
I find comfort too
My mind is playing tricks on you
It’s playing tricks on me
But at the deepest core,
It’s still able to see
Everything from all my years
Each piece of history
Each person I have loved
I still hold within me
So don’t be sad I’m going,
And don’t morn me when I’m gone,
I am with those before me
To them, I have come home
And in my mind and in my heart
I know I have been loved
All the time I was on earth
And now I have moved on
My life may appear over,
But in a way , it’s just begun
I move on to another phase
Out there, — in the great beyond
Rob Sinclair- 14th February 2024